How to Print & Assemble The SPACESHIP-M1

How to print the SPACESHIP-M1

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First of all, I would like to give my special thank to Trevor Page from Tesla Owners Online for the amazing review on YouTube about this model – very detail and informative! Please watch his video below the instructions if you want some more hints and tips to get this model printed successfully on your 3D printers! If you would like to subscribe to his YouTube channel, please click here.

All of the STL files are really straight forward to print. All you need to do is load them into your slicer software (I use Cura), select your desirable settings (e.g. layer height, infill percentage, etc.) and slice the parts. I used 0.4mm nozzle 0.2mm layer height to print large parts and 0.25mm nozzle 0.1mm layer height to print small parts (e.g. Raptor engine parts, pins, c-clips, etc.)

Please note: I already saved the STL for each part in the orientation I printed them on my FDM printer. Hence, when you load the STL in your slicer software, you don’t need to orientate them again, unless you want to try to print them in a different orientation.

Below are some tips.

  • All magnet holes can be printed without support regardless of their positions/orientations on the model. Please don’t generate support for these holes (unless you really need to). Otherwise, you may struggle to remove support inside the holes due to restricted access. The easiest way to stop Cura from generating support inside these magnet holes is to use support blocker to cover the holes.

  • All stiffeners (inside the Skirt Section, Thrust Dome Section, Forward Dome Section and Nose Cone Fairing Section) can be printed without support. To stop Cura from generating support for them, you can select ‘Touching Buildplate’ in the ‘Support Placement’ box. You don’t need any support at all to print the Forward Dome Section and the Nose Cone Fairing Section so just simply untick the box ‘Generate Support’ when you print these 2 parts.

  • This Starship model is designed in such a way that allows you to assemble/ disassemble the model into piece part level (because almost every part is held together by magnets). However, if you prefer to glue everything (or some parts together), that’s also fine – but please be aware that if you do, it may be difficult to update the model later on.

  • There is an STL in folder ‘STEP 01’ called ‘Starship Assembly_v1.stl’. If you load this file, you’ll see the fully assembled Starship model. This will help you understand where each and every part is fitted on the model.

  • This model is designed at 1:48 scale and I highly recommend you to print at this scale to achieve the highest quality. However, if you decided to print it at a smaller scale, please be aware that the magnets I selected for this model will no longer fit  and you will have to glue the parts together.

  • The Nose Cone Section and Lower Flaps should are best to be printed in one piece (if your printer has sufficient Z-height to achieve highest quality). If this is not possible for your printer, you can also print them in several pieces and glue the parts together.

How to assemble this model?

So now you’ve got all your parts printed? – great!, let’s assemble the model!.
I’ll take you through the assembly process step by step but before that, you need to purchase some items:

  • 5mm dia x 3mm thick N42 Neodymium magnets (LINK) | Qty: 238-off
  • 3mm dia x 2mm thick N42 Neodymium (LINK) | Qty: 30-off
  • Super glue (LINK) | Qty: 1 bottle
  • Electric wire (LINK) | Qty: 1 meter (the purpose of the electrical wire is to replicate the cables running on the outside of the Starship. You don’t need to purchase the exact wire I pick, any other type is also fine as long as you can fit them through a 5mm dia hole)

STEP 1 ‘Dry’ assemble the model

At this step, all I want you to do is try to stack all the parts together to get a good understanding of where they are located. Because there are a lot of magnets you need to fit during the assembly process, doing this first step will give you an idea of how to fit the magnets in each part correctly. Please use the ‘Starship Assembly_v1.stl’ and the photos below if required.

STEP 2: Assemble the Skirt Section

Parts required (refer to the photos below)

  • 1x Skirt Section_v1 (a)
  • 6x Landing Leg_v1 (b)
  • 6x Landing Leg Pin_v1 (c)
  • 6x Landing Leg Pin C-clip_v1 (d)
  • 2x Locating Pin_v1 (e)
  • 22x Magnets (5mm dia x 3mm thick) (highlighted in RED)

Assembly process

  1. Glue 16x magnets into their locations on the Skirt Section
  2. Press fit 2x Location Pins into their holes on the top face on the Skirt Section
  3. Glue 1x magnet into the hole on each Landing Leg
  4. Assemble 6x Landing Legs into the Skirt Section using Landing Leg Pins and Landing Leg Pin C-clips. Tip: If the Landing Leg Pin is too loose once installed – remove the pin, wrap a little bit of duct tape around it and reinstall. Try to adjust the amount of duct tap until you find the perfect fit.

Note: At the end of this Step, you should be able to deploy/retract the Landing Legs with just a right amount of force (not too loose or too tight)

STEP 3a: Assemble the Thrust Puck

Parts required (refer to the photos below)

  • 1x Thrust Puck_v1 (a)
  • 3x CH4 Engine Intake Pipe_v1 (b)
  • 6x Magnets (5mm dia x 3mm thick) (highlighted in RED)
  • 6x Magnets (3mm dia x 2mm thick) (highlighted in RED)

Assembly process

  1. Glue 6x magnets (5mm dia x 3mm thick) into their locations inside the Thrust Puck
  2. Glue 3x magnets (3mm dia x 2mm thick) into their locations on the bottom side of the Thrust Puck
  3. Glue 1x magnet (3mm dia x 2mm thick) into each of the CH4 Engine Intake Pipe
  4. Press fit 3x CH4 Engine Intake Pipes into the holes on the bottom side of the Thrust Puck

STEP 3b: Assemble the Thrust Dome Section

Parts required (refer to the photos below)

  • 1x Thrust Dome Section_v1 (a)
  • 1x Thrust Puck sub-assembly from STEP 3a (b)
  • 1x COPV Tank Bracket (Left)_v1 (c)
  • 1x COPV Tank Bracket (Right)_v1 (d)
  • 1x COPV Tank Bracket (Centre)_v1 (e)
  • 2x Locating Pin_v1 (f)
  • 22x Magnets (5mm dia x 3mm thick) (highlighted in RED)
  • 8x Magnets (3mm dia x 2mm thick) (highlighted in RED)

Assembly process

  1. Glue 16x magnets (5mm dia x 3mm thick) into their locations on the Thrust Dome Section
  2. IMPORTANT: Align the Thrust Puck to the Thrust Dome Section: Rotate the Thrust Puck until the two shortest stiffeners on this part are perfectly aligned with the weld lines on the left and right of the Thrust Dome Section (refer to photo with a warning sign below). Also, at this position, note that the 3 weld lines at the centre of the Thrust Puck should look like letter ‘Y‘.
  3. Once the Thrust Puck is correctly aligned to the Thrust Dome Section, use super glue to permanently fix it into place.
  4. Glue the magnets into their holes on the COPV Tank Brackets. Tip: Glue the smaller magnets (3mm dia x 2mm thick) first, let them set for at least an hour, then glue the bigger magnets (5mm dia x 3mm thick). If you do it the other way around, you’ll find it extremely difficult to keep the smaller magnets in place
  5.  Glue the 3 COPV Tank Brackets to the bottom of the Thrust Dome Section – use the lip on the Thrust Dome Section for alignment. Ensure that you assemble each COPV Tank Bracket to its correct location (refer to the photo below)
  6. Press fit 2x Location Pins into their holes on the top face on the Thrust Dome Section

STEP 4: Assemble the LOX Tank Section (Bottom)

Parts required (refer to the photos below)

  • 1x LOX Tank Section (Bottom)_v1 (a)
  • 2x Locating Pin_v1 (b)
  • 16x Magnets (5mm dia x 3mm thick) (highlighted in RED)

Assembly process

  1. Glue 16x magnets (5mm dia x 3mm thick) into their locations on the LOX Tank Section (Bottom)
  2. Press fit 2x Location Pins into their holes on the top face on the LOX Tank Section (Bottom)

STEP 5: Assemble the LOX Tank Section (Top)

Parts required (refer to the photos below)

  • 1x LOX Tank Section (Top)_v1 (a)
  • 2x Locating Pin_v1 (b)
  • 14x Magnets (5mm dia x 3mm thick) (highlighted in RED)

Assembly process

  1. Glue 14x magnets (5mm dia x 3mm thick) into their locations on the LOX Tank Section (Top)
  2. Press fit 2x Location Pins into their holes on the top face on the LOX Tank Section (Top)

STEP 6: Assemble the Common Dome Section

Parts required (refer to the photos below)

  • 1x Common Dome Section_v1 (a)
  • 2x Locating Pin_v1 (b)
  • 14x Magnets (5mm dia x 3mm thick) (highlighted in RED)

Assembly process

  1. Glue 14x magnets (5mm dia x 3mm thick) into their locations on the Common Dome Section
  2. Press fit 2x Location Pins into their holes on the top face on the Common Dome Section

STEP 7: Assemble the CH4 Tank Section

Parts required (refer to the photos below)

  • 1x CH4 Tank Section_v1 (a)
  • 2x Locating Pin_v1 (b)
  • 12x Magnets (5mm dia x 3mm thick) (highlighted in RED)

Assembly process

  1. Glue 12x magnets (5mm dia x 3mm thick) into their locations on the CH4 Tank Section
  2. Press fit 2x Location Pins into their holes on the top face on the CH4 Tank Section

STEP 8: Assemble the Forward Dome Section

Parts required (refer to the photos below)

  • 1x Forward Dome Section_v1 (a)
  • 2x Locating Pin_v1 (b)
  • 2x Forward Dome Cap_v1 (c)
  • 18x Magnets (5mm dia x 3mm thick) (highlighted in RED)

Assembly process

  1. Glue 18x magnets (5mm dia x 3mm thick) into their locations on the Forward Dome Section
  2. Glue 2x Forward Dome Cap together and press fit the Cap into the Forward Dome Section
  3. Press fit 2x Location Pins into their holes on the top face on the Forward Dome Section

STEP 9: Assemble the Nose Cone Fairing Section

Parts required (refer to the photos below)

  • 1x Nose Cone Fairing Section_v1 (a)
  • 2x Locating Pin_v1 (b)
  • 16x Magnets (5mm dia x 3mm thick) (highlighted in RED)

Assembly process

  1. Glue 16x magnets (5mm dia x 3mm thick) into their locations on the Nose Cone Fairing Section
  2. Press fit 2x Location Pins into their holes on the top face on the Nose Cone Fairing Section

STEP 10: Assemble the Nose Cone Section

Parts required (refer to the photos below)

  • 1x Nose Cone Section_v1 (a)
  • 19x Magnets (5mm dia x 3mm thick) (highlighted in RED)

Assembly process

  1. Glue 19x magnets (5mm dia x 3mm thick) into their locations on the Nose Cone Section

STEP 11: Assemble the Raptor Engines

Parts required (refer to the photos below)

  • 3x Engine Mount_v1 (a)
  • 3x Gimbal Hinge_v1 (b)
  • 3x Sub-Assembly 1_v1 (c) (this includes the LOX Intake & LOX Turbopump)
  • 3x CH4 Turbopump_v1 (d)
  • 6x Positioning Pin (e)
  • 3x Sub-Assembly 2_v1 (f) (this includes Mixing Chamber, Combustion Chamber & CH4 Preburner)
  • 3x Nozzle (g)
  • 3x CH4 Turbopump Intake Pipe (h)
  • 3x Fuel Inlet Valve (i)
  • 6x Gimbal Bracket (j)
  • 6x Gimbal Arm (k)
  • 3x Magnet (3mm dia x 2mm thick) (highlighted in RED)

Assembly process

  1. Glue Sub-Assembly 1 (c), CH4 Turbopump (d), Sub-Assembly 2 (f) and Nozzle (g) together (use positioning pins for alignment)
  2. Press fit Engine Mount (a), Gimble Hinge (b) and Sub-assembly from STEP 1 together. Glue a small magnet (3mm dia x 2mm thick) into the hole on top of the Engine Mount.
  3. Glue the CH4 Turbopump Intake Pipe (h) to the engine
  4. Glue the Fuel Inlet Valve (i) to the engine
  5. Press fit the Gimbal Brackets (j) and Gimbal Arms (k) to the engine

STEP 12: Install Raptor Engines to Thrust Dome Section

Parts required (refer to the photos below)

  • 1x Thrust Dome Section from STEP 3 (a)
  • 3x Raptor Engine from STEP 11 (b)
  • 3x CH4 Engine Intake Pipe Extension (c)
  • 3x Magnet (3mm dia x 2mm thick) (highlighted in RED)

Assembly process

  1. Glue 1 magnet into each of the CH4 Engine Intake Pipe Extension
  2. Take one Raptor, slide the Engine Mount into the slot on the Thrust Puck. Ensure that the Gimbal Arms and Gimbal Brackets are facing outwards.
  3. Assemble the CH4 Engine Intake Pipe Extension
  4. Repeat for the other Raptors

STEP 13: Stack Thrust Dome Section

Parts required (refer to the photos below)

  • 1x Skirt Section from STEP 2 (a)
  • 1x Thrust Dome Section from STEP 12 (b)
  • 4x COPV Tank 1_v1 (c)
  • 2x COPV Tank 2_v1 (d)
  • 4x COPV Tank Ring 1_v1 (e)
  • 8x COPV Tank Ring 2_v1 (f)
  • 6x Magnet (5mm dia x 3mm thick) (highlighted in RED)
  • 8x Magnet (3mm dia x 2mm thick) (highlighted in RED)

Assembly process

  1. Stack Thrust Dome Section from STEP 12 (b) onto Skirt Section from STEP 2 (a)
  2. Glue the magnets into their holes on the COPV Tank. Tip: Glue the smaller magnets (3mm dia x 2mm thick) first, let them set for at least an hour, then glue the bigger magnets (5mm dia x 3mm thick). If you do it the other way around, you’ll find it extremely difficult to keep the smaller magnets in place!
  3. Glue COPV Tank Ring 1&2 to COPV Tank 1
  4. Install the COPV Tanks to the Thrust Dome Section

STEP 14: Install plumbing to Thrust Dome Section

Parts required (refer to the photos below)

  • 1x Sub-Assembly from STEP 13 (a)
  • 1x LOX Feed Pipe_v1 (b)
  • 1x LOX Feed Pipe Extension_v1 (c)
  • 1x CH4 Feed Pipe_v1 (d)
  • 1x CH4 Feed Pipe Extension_v1 (e)
  • 1x CH4 3-way Joint_v1 (f)
  • 1x LOX 3-way Joint_v1 (g)
  • 1x LOX Downcomer (Bottom)_v1 (h)
  • 16x Magnet (5mm dia x 3mm thick) (highlighted in RED)

Assembly process

  1. Glue magnets into the holes at the end of each pipe.
  2. Install the pipes into the Thrust Dome Section, ensure that the smaller ends of LOX Feed Pipe (b) and CH4 Feed Pipe (d) go through the holes located at the bottom plate of the Skirt Section (refer to STEP 14-4 photo)

STEP 15: Stack LOX Tank Sections (Top & Bottom)

Parts required (refer to the photos below)

  • 1x Sub-Assembly from STEP 14 (a)
  • 1x LOX Tank Section (Bottom) from STEP 4 (b)
  • 1x LOX Tank Section (Top) from STEP 5 (c)
  • 1x CH4 Downcomer (Bottom)_v1 (d)
  • 1x LOX Downcomer (Mid)_v1 (e)
  • 4x Magnet (5mm dia x 3mm thick) (highlighted in RED)

Assembly process

  1. Glue magnets into the holes at the end of each pipe.
  2. Stack LOX Tank Section (Bottom) from STEP 4 (b) and LOX Tank Section (Top) from STEP 5 (c) on top of Sub-Assembly from STEP 14 (a)
  3. Install CH4 Downcomer (Bottom) (d) and LOX Downcomer (Mid) (e)

STEP 16: Stack Common Dome Section

Parts required (refer to the photos below)

  • 1x Sub-Assembly from STEP 15 (a)
  • 1x Common Dome Section from STEP 6 (b)
  • 1x CH4 Header Tank (Top)_v1 (c)
  • 1x CH4 Downcomer (Top)_v1 (d)
  • 1x CH4 Header Tank (Bottom)_v1 (e)
  • 9x Magnet (5mm dia x 3mm thick) (highlighted in RED)

Assembly process

  1. Glue magnets into the hole at the bottom of CH4 Downcomer (Top) (d)
  2. Glue magnets into the holes at both CH4 Header Tank (Top & Bottom halves)
  3. Stack Common Dome Section from STEP 6 (b) on top of Sub-Assembly from STEP 15 (a)

STEP 17: Stack CH4 Tank Section and Forward Dome Section

Parts required (refer to the photos below)

  • 1x Sub-Assembly from STEP 16 (a)
  • 1x CH4 Tank Section from STEP 7 (b)
  • 1x Forward Dome Section from STEP 8 (c)
  • 1x Battery_v1 (d)
  • 1x LOX Downcomer (Mid)_v1 (e)
  • 4x Magnet (5mm dia x 3mm thick) (highlighted in RED)

Assembly process

  1. Glue magnets into the holes at the ends of LOX Downcomer (Mid) (e)
  2. Glue magnets into the holes at the bottom of Battery (d)
  3. Stack CH4 Tank Section from STEP 7 (b) and Forward Dome Section from STEP 8 (c) on top of Sub-Assembly from STEP 16 (a)
  4. Install LOX Downcomer (Mid) (e) and Battery (d)

STEP 18: Stack Nose Cone Fairing Section

Parts required (refer to the photos below)

  • 1x Sub-Assembly from STEP 17 (a)
  • 1x Nose Cone Fairing Section from STEP 9 (b)
  • 1x LOX Downcomer (Mid)_v1 (c)
  • 2x Magnet (5mm dia x 3mm thick) (highlighted in RED)

Assembly process

  1. Glue magnets into the holes at the ends of LOX Downcomer (Mid) (c)
  2. Stack Nose Cone Fairing Section from STEP 9 (b) on top of Sub-Assembly from STEP 17 (a)
  3.  Install LOX Downcomer (Mid) (c)

STEP 19: Stack Nose Cone Section

Parts required (refer to the photos below)

  • 1x Sub-Assembly from STEP 18 (a)
  • 1x Nose Cone Section from STEP 10 (b)
  • 1x LOX Header Tank (Top)_v1 (c)
  • 1x LOX Header Tank (Bottom)_v1 (d)
  • 1x LOX Downcomer (Top)_v1 (e)
  • 10x Magnet (5mm dia x 3mm thick) (highlighted in RED)

Assembly process

  1. Glue magnets into the holes at the ends of LOX Downcomer (Top) (e)
  2. Glue magnets into the holes at both LOX Header Tank (Top & Bottom halves
  3.  Install LOX Header Tank to Nose Cone Section
  4. Install LOX Downcomer (Top) to LOX Header Tank
  5. Stack Nose Cone Section on top of Sub-Assembly from STEP 18 (a)

STEP 20: Install Flaps

Parts required (refer to the photos below)

  • 1x Sub-Assembly from STEP 19 (a)
  • 1x Upper Flap LH_v1 (b)
  • 1x Upper Flap RH_v1 (c)
  • 1x Lower Flap LH_v1 (d)
  • 1x Lower Flap RH_v1 (e)
  • 24x Magnet (5mm dia x 3mm thick) (highlighted in RED)

Assembly process

  1. Glue magnets into the holes in each Flap
  2. Install all Flaps to the Sub-Assembly from STEP 19 (a)

STEP 21: Install External Pipes

Parts required (refer to the photos below)

  • 1x Sub-Assembly from STEP 20 (a)
  • 1x External Pipe 1_v1 (b)
  • 1x External Pipe 2 (Top)_v1 (c)
  • 1x External Pipe 2 (Bottom)_v1 (d)
  • 1x External Pipe 3_v1 (e)
  • 14x External Pipe C-clip (f)
  • 3x External Pipe Holder (g)
  • 1x Electrical Wire (h)
  • 2x Magnet (3mm dia x 2mm thick) (highlighted in RED)

Assembly process

  1. Glue magnets into the holes in External Pipe 2 Top & Bottom
  2. Press fit External Pipe C-clips on each pipe
  3. Install all the External Pipes to the Sub-Assembly from STEP 20 (a)
  4. Use External Pipe Holders (g) to secure the Pipes to the Starship
  5. Cut a piece of Electrical Wire to the right length and use duct tap to secure it to the Starship

STEP 22: Install External Features

Parts required (refer to the photos below)

  • 1x Sub-Assembly from STEP 21 (a)
  • 2x External Feature 1_v1 (b)
  • 2x External Feature 2_v1 (c)
  • 1x Heat Shield Tiles_v1 (d)
  • 4x Magnet (5mm dia x 3mm thick) (highlighted in RED)

Assembly process

  1. Glue magnets into the holes in External Features 1 & 2
  2.  Install the External Features to the front of Starship
  3. Use double-sided tape to install the Heat Shield Tiles to the back of the Starship

And that’s it! Congratulations, you have completed your 1/48 Starship!

STEP 23: Optional

There are two optional parts for this model if you are interested:

  • 2x Horizonal Stand_v1 (this will help you display the model horizontally. Simply print two of this and place the Starship on it
  • 1x Man (this will help you illustrate the size of the Starship compare with a human standing next to it. Simply print this and place it next to the model)


It’s been a long time coming, and has taken some debugging to get it right, but I am very happy with the STARSHIP-M1 model. It’s a fantastic testament to the original rocket and gives me a daily reminder of things to come as SpaceX moves closer and closer to their goal of interplanetary colonization.

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October 12, 2022 1:15 pm

What tips do you have for printing it smaller? For example, at half size, I’m guessing the engine gimbal pins would print too small to fit well. So they might have to be glued fixed. Is this correct? What are modifications would be necessary? Are there simplified parts available?

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