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All of the STL files are really straight forward to print. All you need to do is load them into your slicer software (I use Cura), select your desirable settings (e.g. layer height, infill percentage, etc.) and slice the parts. I used 0.4mm nozzle 0.2mm layer height to print ALL parts of this model.
Please note: I already saved the STL for each part in the orientation I printed them on my FDM printer. Hence, when you load the STL in your slicer software, you don’t need to orientate them again, unless you want to try to print them in a different orientation.
i love this tower! I am still working on printing it. However as of this past week, i need to figure out how to make a big hole under it to make it look real!
Does anyone have a list of filament colors to use for the various parts?
• The tower looks light grey: https://images.app.goo.gl/8hzcNzecpLsS8JoF8
• The arms look black: https://images.app.goo.gl/J9HQN92Hpyf5PXQ49, https://images.app.goo.gl/Qzt9Yp3Zh8aVvJE18
• The gears at the top are black? https://youtu.be/qt3BrgRJL1o
• Some part of the lift motor is red? https://youtu.be/qt3BrgRJL1o?t=436
Or please post other, clearer photos if you can find them…